Discover the emotional power of Matthieu Saglio Solo for a series of concerts in welcoming locations in France, Spain and Germany.

Check all the dates on the agenda.

A great series of concerts in France with the new duo of the 2 brothers: in March (Paris, Rennes, Nantes), in April (Drôme and Rhône-Alpes), in June (again in the West), in July (South West and Vendée).

Check out all the dates in the agenda so you don’t miss them near you!

An unforgettable weekend for the 30th anniversary of the mythical Galerie de l’Evolution of the Natural History Museum of Paris which had invited for the occasion the little ghost of Matthieu’s magician brother Etienne Saglio.

Camille and Matthieu accompanied him in music for several captivating performances in this incredible setting… a beautiful family reunion!!

The album ‘El camino de los Vientos’ has just passed the 8 MILLION streams mark on Spotify! It has been played in 180 countries… Impressive!

A magical concert at the ‘Au fil des voix’ Festival in Paris.
Matthieu Saglio Quartet & Guests…. with Christian Belhomme (piano & keyboard), Léo Ullmann (violin), David Gadea (percussion), Camille Saglio (vocals), Isabel Julve (voice & flamenco dance).

A great pleasure to play again in Germany with my quartet with a concert in Ingolstadt at the end of October and then Bremen, Dresden, Munich, Bad Herrenalb at the end of November.

A video of the concert at the legendary Jazz Club Unterfahrt in Munich is available on their YouTube channel.

I had the honor to play my Solo at the ‘Au Tour des Cordes’ Festival organized by the great Ablaye Cissoko in Saint-Louis, Senegal. An unforgettable trip full of beautiful encounters, music, colors, smiles… Looking for coming back to Africa as soon as possible!

A nice clip of our composition ‘El alba’ to discover the new duet with my brother Camille. Filmed and directed by Jorge Molina (Audio Alban Cointe) in the magnificent Monastery of Cotalba, near Valencia.

Happiness playing and traveling together… and lots of forthcoming concerts! All the info in the Projects section of the website.

As part of the ‘Terres de Paroles’ Festival, I had the chance to accompany the little ghost of my brother Etienne Saglio in this wonderful setting… magical!!!

A memorable concert at the prestigious San Javier festival (Murcia): Matthieu Saglio Quartet & guests.Avec Steve Shehan, Christian Belhomme, Léo Ullmann.

And the guests:

Natacha Atlas (voice)

Camille Saglio (voice)

Anna Colom (voice)

José ‘El Piru’ (flamenco guitar)

Roqui Albero (trumpet)

Photo Gallery on Facebook and Instagram.

Chronicle of the concert in El

Chronicle of the concert in La Opinión de Murcia

The concert will soon be broadcasted in Spain on Radio3 (On September 3 at 10 p.m.) and on TVE 2 (September 12).