If you want to know all the details about the creative process of the album ‘Voices’, I invite you to watch this beautiful documentary directed by Jorge Molina.

Matthieu’s new album, ‘VOICES’, has just been released on Abril 28th on the prestigious label ACT.

With Steve Shehan, Christian Belhomme, Léo Ullmann

And the voices of: Susana Baca, Alim Qasimov, Natacha Atlas, Nils Landgren, Wasis Diop, Anna Colom, Camille Saglio…. and Nelson Mandela.

See the teaser

Discover the magic of AMURA thanks to the 2 wonderful videos directed by Jorge Molina (images) and Juan Carlos Tomás (sound):

Puertas Abiertas

Querido Machín

The album ‘El camino de los vientos’ has already reached 7 MILLION listeners on Spotify! What a great news!!